Ini kisah sebuah Malaysian live-band yang bernama Superfriends. This blog was established on May 17, 2005. Sumua orang boleh visit ini blog, terima kasih. All photos/images used belongs to Superfriends/SitiRosman unless credited otherwise. Please email or leave a Comments for permission to borrow/print/reuse any item on this site.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Commencement: ze Band Superfriends Blog!

I've been meaning to start a blog on Superfriends for quite some time already. But biasalah, tadek photo la, tadek time la, tadek profile la... And there's so much to tell I don't know where to start!

But now, today, finally, in the midst of my so-called busy schedule, I've done it! So lo! Behold, (~drum roll~) ze Band Superfriends blog!

Sebab-sebab gue nak start blog ni:
1] I've got lots of music/live band fans who bugs me from time to time asking where the band is playing now. So everytime they change venue, I'll be posting the where, what time, and other 411 on it.

2] I've been collecting photos of the band for a long, long time, eversince I got that Nokia 7650 for free from Nokia, and there's no place like the web to post em on. (Yes this particular entry is solely for highlighting the fact that tech reporters like me do get some cool gadgets to play and keep from time to time.)

Photo ni bukan gue yang tangkap, it's a nice one to kick-start this blog, no? This photo was captured using Siti the keyboardist punya digital camera (Panasonic Lumix DMC-F1), and the effects were done by Zam, the guitarist. Yep, Korg and Ibanez aren't the only stuff these people can play with!

3] Some of my friends teringiiiin nak request lagu tapi malu nak cakap kat the band. So here you can drop comments and suggest whatever songs you want them to play. (Disclaimer: Hey I'm just a groupie meself so if they don't play the song you want the next time you all pi tengok diorang, jangan marah aaa...)

As for the band, they've been through a whole lot! Tukar repertoire (but of course!), tukar line-up (kadang-kadang je lah), and of course, tukar venue (every several months or so)... Tu belum kira berapa battle of the bands diorang masuk tu...

So this blogger aspires to document their evolution musically and otherwise-ly, and the band welcomes any tots and tete-a-tetes from all.


Blogger siti rosman said...

Oy vey! Just checking to see if the comments thingy works. Now that I know it does, let us go and meet the pansies!

Thursday, May 19, 2005 7:24:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanx to siti for starting up this blog for us. Ini more of a journal of the band n info on where we r playing currently. Not like we have a huge fan base to cater pun. But if any suggestion for songs to play boleh la postkan kat sini, kadang2 kitaorang bukannya melekat kat radio 24/7. If the song is suitable for us to play insyallah lambat laun ada la kat our repertoire. Tapi kalau takde sorang pun dalam band can handle the song well, rasanya takde la nak main. Sekarang ni tengah practice hard because our drummer of 4 years,Lee will embark on a separate journey soon.So this is his last contract with us.Will reveal the new drummer soon. Starting June we will be playing at Monterez golf club near kampung subang.

Friday, May 27, 2005 4:51:00 pm


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