Ini kisah sebuah Malaysian live-band yang bernama Superfriends. This blog was established on May 17, 2005. Sumua orang boleh visit ini blog, terima kasih. All photos/images used belongs to Superfriends/SitiRosman unless credited otherwise. Please email or leave a Comments for permission to borrow/print/reuse any item on this site.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Prior to this... RJ

A few months ago Superfriends was involved in RTM's Rentak Juara (RJ) - methinks they really did enjoyed the experience - from what I saw the fun part was getting all dressed up for TV - they were all dolled up and got an excuse to shop for more clothes...

And here's a shot Siti the keyboardist recorded during one of the rehearsals...

I can recognise the side of Nadya, and the back of Zam, and Siti's keyboard (which had berjasa to another competing band in RJ - was the competitor's keyboardist was too wussy to whip up his own instrument? Maybe!) but the rest on the stage and near the car I dunno lah sapa...

When the group did not make it the the finals during the first week, they got another shot via the SMS week (their SMS votes were highest for the week). So altogether they performed twice for RJ, and in the process made some pocket money, bumped into lots of friends in the music scene... it was like a big reunion for the players in the club scene!

I went for the first round and went home with a couple of Media Hiburan (official publication for RJ). Too bad Naza takdek any lucky draws for viewers... Kalo menang skuter ka sebijik best jugek...

By the way RJ organizers gave a limit of seven minutes per performance per band. Superfriends did an exact seven-minute duo medley of September and Khayalan for the first week. This piece is still being played by the band, usually during the first set of their show.


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