Lightweight duty in Titanium
Sooooooo sorry guys, I know I've been rather schlompsy lately. Busy migrating to a new PC! Yep I've gotten a new system to work on, not mine, but good enough for time being. Also busy loading up some YouTube stuff so that I can link em back here.
In any case our friend Sumee just dropped a note askin more about Titanium. From the Korgian it seems the band is enjoying their time at the new club. They start quite early, 9PM, and finish about four sets after so expect them already home by 1/1.30AM.
The thing is, Titanium's kinda on a hot roll, so lots of events are being held there. Last couple Saturdays for example, the band get to wrap up early (after a couple of sets) to make way for these ad-hoc events.
So if you're keen to see the band play good music, leave your crib early!
p/s: Wind of change is blowing... Intrigue? Nanti wa cerita lagi sama you all.. But it's definately something to look out for!
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