Ini kisah sebuah Malaysian live-band yang bernama Superfriends. This blog was established on May 17, 2005. Sumua orang boleh visit ini blog, terima kasih. All photos/images used belongs to Superfriends/SitiRosman unless credited otherwise. Please email or leave a Comments for permission to borrow/print/reuse any item on this site.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Water disaster! ... and recover, they did

Alas, tragedy strikes again, this time it hits Siti the keyboardist's beloved keyboard, da mighty Trinity!

One afternoon, a few days into their Thai Bar contract, Siti and Superfriends walked in to the club for a practice session... and found the Korg drippin' liquid as it was picked up! Imagine the horror!

It turned out that the club suffered a leak due to recent heavy showers. But who's to blame?

The ailing instrument was quickly sent to Musician Net in Ampang for service. But the show must go on, and luckily Siti had the M1 on standby.

And with just one night "warded", the soaked keyboard was once again dry and alllllllllll right....

But it does cost quite a big chunk of money... so come April 22, let's be nice and join up to give Siti some really cool pressies for her birthday ok.... The least you can do is come and sing along the birthday song...

p/s: Siti says she quite like DKNY's apple-inspired perfume... or a second hand upright piano would do! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

THe only club yang tak boleh letak instrument on stage after showtime, the thai club. Why? because no dance floor so guess where the patrons come up to show their alcohol-fuse moves? Blame it on the booze price. So i pack my ayang into his soft case and hide it belakang drum. Besoknya datang untuk practice, the case was soaked and when i mount the keys on the stand, WATER drips out of it. Menangis, wa cakap lu,literally.Nasib ada sokongan padu dari yz n kawan lain. Dah la the keyboard baru, n i brought trinity home when i would usually brought the extreme home,talk about dah nak jadi. So thanx to Musician Outlet at pandan indah the extereme is back and running, but there goes my warranty. Takpe la at least jiwa tenteram. Sapa2 minat Beyond boleh la datang dan menikmati lagu mereka didendangkan oleh kami.We assure you every set will have at least one chinese song due to popular demand. Off on Saturday n ladies nite is on evry wed.Bring your dance shoes n dance moves because at thai club everybody CAN dance.(or so they feel)Yazi,lu tere la boleh nari macam diorang.Boleh ajaz kez?

Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:16:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

macam ganeh je thai club tu... nasible ok balik keebod tu cik korg.. neway same la dgn rumah sewa sy skrg, ada leak la pulak.. ujan lebat lain bebeno skang ni. sbb tu la sy letak guitar sy dlm hard case - tu pun meletup2 poket nak bayo RM570 nak dptkan hard case tuh!!! janji rock..!

Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:05:00 pm

Blogger siti rosman said...


hey mambang tanah mambang api mambang...
(ini bukan chobaan ini betul betul perkara!)


Thursday, January 12, 2006 6:10:00 pm


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