Ini kisah sebuah Malaysian live-band yang bernama Superfriends. This blog was established on May 17, 2005. Sumua orang boleh visit ini blog, terima kasih. All photos/images used belongs to Superfriends/SitiRosman unless credited otherwise. Please email or leave a Comments for permission to borrow/print/reuse any item on this site.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Live and let live

So Superfriends was not the band playing at Planet Hollywood last Sunday. So what happened? Here's my version of the story. Solely personal take OK...

KUALA LUMPUR, Mon - The veteran live band once tauted as "The band Azwan Ali announced as the winner of Rentak Juara but sulked along home with the second prize bounty" is in the headlights again. This time for pleading younger band, Superfriends, to let go a contract with Planet Hollywood in order to gain some income for the month.

Working based on short term contracts like other live bands in the country, the veteren band, N**, was in aghast upon finding themselves jobless for the month of October. The band leader, only known as J*****, resorted to calling the band leader of Superfriends, Najuib and requested that the latter band let go the Sundays contract at Planet Hollywood in favour of N**.

Najuib decided to refer to the bands' mutual nincompoop agent, R**, who consequently ruled out that the Sundays contract be redirected to N**.

A number of Superfriends close associates who were in the know of the situation then argued the decision, saying previously the agent had left other bands under his wing to suffer for months without contract, not even Sundays contract. Subsequently they continued by questioning why N** was given a different treatment.

However the issue that got N**, the band with mostly 30 to 40-years old members in hot soup was due to a separate but related occurence.

According to another Superfriends' member, frontliner Nadya, one of N**'s singer had already began to "canang keliling kampung" (tell every Tom, Dick and Harry) that N** will be the one playing in Planet Hollywood on this month's Sundays - despite the fact that a strong crowd had already witnessed Superfriends breaking the ice on October 2.

The occurence happened days before J***** made the initial call of help to Najuib. Boosted by premature cockiness, N** soldiered on to take over on October 8.

Already quite contented with their current, fat-cheque-d, regular attachment at the newly taken-over Holiday Inn (formerly Pan Pac Glenmarie), the unperturbed Superfriends graciously gave way to N**, citing the reason being out of respect for the old.

On Superfriends' part, Najuib took the initiative to contact the Planet Hollywood manager and sort things out professionally. He also informed the manager that in this case Superfriends had no intentions of letting the contract fly off their hands like that, and reinforced the band's interest to take on new contracts with Planet Hollywood in the future.

On Superfriends' blog,, comments were posted mirroring the confusing absence of the band at the club on October 8.

Siti, Superfriends' keyboardist recently released a statement on behalf of the band, apologizing to regulars who were expecting to see the band play on October's Sundays as promised. She optimistically noted that the band would play on at Holiday Inn. - SR

So rest assured guys, the first Sunday of October 2005 will unlikely be the last time you see Superfriends performing at Planet Hollywood. In case you miss'em so much then you know where to find Superfriends right? Pan Pac.. oops, Holiday Inn Glenmarie.

As for N**, personally I think the band needs to work on a bit of tact, and perhaps has more dignity than to rob off people's contract like this. After all they are a band of old timers, but in this case we learn that older does not necessarily mean wiser.

And if I could just give a hollar, I'll hollar this: Drop the agent Superfriends, drop the agent...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly, thanx for the STRONG support that is vividly evident on the latest entry. Well, what can i say, this line of work is about drama n politics.About raj well i guess he's pressured n well don't know what to say la perhaps this is the evident of his favouritism? ooppss... bulan puasa, well let's just say mari bersedekah di bulan ramadhan. We were so psyched out for the gig, some of us even went to the gym to improve on stamina, takut tak larat.Hehehe.. Kesian jugak kan the otai dah dua bulan tak kerja, but hmmm... ada orang kesiankan kitaorang masa we were inactive for 5 months???? Hell no!!!! Takpe la since we are currently working what's some rm700 each right? A lot!!!! I'm so pissed about this current piracy but it's ok, life goes on. Anyway to cover the raya expenses which should have been provided by planet H. this month, anybody interested to buy kerepek for raya?

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:29:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooo yazi nak mintakkan no chickies ye? SORRY! Wrong no. Sila lakukan sendiri(kalau saja nak cari accident la hehehe...).Anyway it was your loss pasal memang le lawa2 aweks2 hari tu. Suprisingly ada orang kat the pub for the past 2 weeks. A bit quiet but last weekend was quite ok, but most of them were well behave not as happening as the typical weekend crowd. Selamat berpuasa!

Monday, October 17, 2005 5:42:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

korgian, nama lu macam alien pat cerita planet of the APE lah style! gua nak kirim kerepek asam pedas ada? 20 ton? jng tak main MCR k. gua nak joget ronggeng!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:07:00 pm

Blogger siti rosman said...

Hey... I'm ze blogger so I ca zay whatever I like, no? I really think it's sucks that some people play favouritism, but I lagi tak respect otais yang tak hormat orang - camana nak buat contoh tu...

Yazi u beli la kerepek ayam... sedap sampai nak berkokok siot..

Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:51:00 pm


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