Ini kisah sebuah Malaysian live-band yang bernama Superfriends. This blog was established on May 17, 2005. Sumua orang boleh visit ini blog, terima kasih. All photos/images used belongs to Superfriends/SitiRosman unless credited otherwise. Please email or leave a Comments for permission to borrow/print/reuse any item on this site.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Superfriends meet Astromen

Superman meet Ultraman... impossible? Maybe. But Superfriends meet Astromen? Happened already lo!

It was on that night of Nadya's crash - as scheduled, a bunch of Astromen responsible for doing follow-ups on the bands that took part in Astro Blast Off! came - broadcast camera, cables and stuff. After some digging I later found out that these men were working on a segment called Aftershocks.

As you know the band had to go on without Nadya. The stage looked a bit different to a regular like me, but as crowd - guys and gals who looked like students mostly, plus the usual yuppies - poured in the band seemed settled.

So there I was enjoying the band's late-start first set at 10.30PM in Holiday Villa's lil' club when some men in black started to dart around in front of the band, blocking moi's contact-lensed view.

^ In black: The Astromen setting up.

One man had his set of high-quality lens, and he was going here and there trying to catch the band in action.

Jalan-jalan: One of the Astromen getting some close-ups.

As I too have a job to do, I snapped on the band's photos as usual. But once in a while the Astromen got in my way. Nevermind lo, they have a job to do too maa...

^ Astromen team: Some do, some watch.

Heard the stuff they're recording will be aired as soon as this weekend.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aftershocks tu program baru ke? Nanti Astro Blast Off baru dah nak audition balik beb... bass player aku belum balik Malaya lagi.. diii manaaa kan ku cari gantiii.... yang tak tone deaf...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:32:00 pm

Blogger siti rosman said...

Sotonkerin, gwe pun tatau itu Aftershocks ape ke mendenye. Guess have to stay tuned to Astro le to find out. Nak bassist? Iklan la kat Malscene..

Tuesday, November 08, 2005 6:26:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Astro Blastoff is the spinoff of Blast Off itself. Macam feedback la on how astro has blsted off the participant to stardom (yeah right). Well, mayb 4 some of the bands that joined the programme did get their break, but for us not much has improve. We still need to hunt out contracts and living normally. No autographs hunters, no secret admirers n still no recording deal. As u will see from the show which will be aired this fri. i think, we r quite unaffected by the launch(blast off). But it does look nice in our profile. Encik sotong, one advice kalau nak masuk blast off, make sure your show is packed with energy and gimmick. It does help if your band members r cute n trendy. Seriously, think about your band's image, it does help. Pls put on a well-practiced song. So sapa2 nak masuk blast off good luck! Though i claim to be eager to try again at the time of the interview, i don't think we will b joining. Malas la pulak, pasal last year masa kitaorang join, time tu tengah takde kontrak,budak2 pun takde keinginan yang jitu. So that's that. Tapi kalau nak best lagi masuk la rentak juara rtm punya battle of the band. Hadiah pun lagi menarik. Tahun ni no professional bands r allowed to participate, so u won't c any club bands joining. Apa nak buat takde rezeki... so sapa nak kerepek? kalau ada empunya kedai ke, petrol kiosk ke yang nak kerepek sila holler(hip hop la pulak)

Monday, November 14, 2005 6:07:00 pm


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